
On September 1st, 1906, John S. Heard and J. F. Strickland helped establish the interurban railway system in McKinney by signing for the rapid transit system that would run from Dallas to Denison through Kentucky Street. The interurban railway head south on Kentucky Street, past the Collin County Courthouse and Quality Corner. The first interurban commuter train cars arrived in McKinney on December 20th, 1907. The interurban stopped running on December 31st, 1948, after more than 40 years of connecting people from Dallas to Dennison. Twenty-two passenger cars ran daily, and there were nine substations positioned ever 8 miles on the Dallas to Denison track.
To learn more about the history of the interurban railway, please visit the Interurban Railway Museum
To learn more about the history of Collin County, please visit the Collin County History Museum
Our part
The McKinney Parks Foundation discovers, in parks and easements, historic landmarks of the interurban railway that once ran through McKinney.

The interurban railway allowed for exponential growth of McKinney – turning it into the beautiful and diverse city it is today. We honor the landmarks we discover by uncovering them and making them accessible to those who travel park paths.
We plan to place signage at these landmarks informed passerby’s of their historic importance. The McKinney Parks Foundation is a 501c3 Nonprofit Organization ran entirely by Volunteers. If you, your group, or business are interested in contributing to the preservation of the interurban historic railway, please contact us at mckinneyparksfoundation@gmail.com