Erwin Park has a firewood kiosk to help educate and provide a sustainable alternative for campers taking trees, limbs, branches, etc. from the parkland to burn in campfires.
The amount of damage to the live trees along the trails as well as the massive stripping of dead and rotting debris has been extremely damaging to the appearance and ecosystem of the park.

We will have three total, one located at each Pavillion, accepting donations in exchange for camping firewood. Look for new verbiage on camping reservation documents, at the campsites, on the kiosks, etc.
Please bring your own wood for campfires or use what we will have available at these new kiosks. If you use what is available at the kiosk, consider donating a small amount to the McKinney Parks Foundation. This money will go towards supporting unique by nature efforts like this one. Donate here.
Thank you so much Milestone Church for the volunteer effort to help us get this new project underway! We look forward to our local Boy Scouts of America taking charge of installing two additional kiosks in the coming months!
Check out Erwin Park MTB Trails on Instagram to stay up to date with the latest going-ons at Erwin Park.
Questions about Erwin Park MTB? Contact Shawn Feiock.
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Questions for McKinney Parks Foundation? Contact Us.